Get To Know Us

Our vision.

We exist to be a community centered on Jesus where we can find belonging and serve others with His radical love and compassion

Our mission.


For the past 10 years, a small community of us has carried a heart to uniquely care for and love Playa Vista and the surrounding community.

Over time, this vision sharpened and it became clear God was calling us to create pathways for community for our city: one centering on Jesus and focused on others; one that would be invitational, seeking to create places of belonging for others no matter where they were at in the journey of seeking to know Him.

Our Heart

  • Our view of God comes out of Exodus 3, when God calls Moses and shares clearly who He is.

    • “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey…”

    God reveals His heart and character by sharing that He is a God who sees us, hears us, is concerned about us and gets involved. All four of these realities are essential in our understanding of who God is.

    We see this tangibly lived out in Jesus. Through His teaching and His life Jesus shows us how to love and care for others and then invites us to live in very much the same way. In doing so, we become a part of bringing His Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth.

  • In the Gospels, we see Jesus share what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. From these teachings we get an incredible picture of the world He created before sin: one full of love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, peace.

    Yet, it wasn't simply a future picture of heaven that Jesus wanted us to focus on. He made clear that a part of why He came down to Earth was to begin ushering His Kingdom in the here and now.

    When Jesus’ disciples ask Him to give a model of prayer, He responds in Matthew 6 by saying:

    • "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

    Our prayers are for His Kingdom to exist here on Earth. Through our prayers, Jesus invites us to join Him in this work: to be a people and community who seek to bring His Kingdom, His love, His peace, His compassion, His justice, and His mercy in our cities and communities.

  • We believe Church isn't a building or place, but a community of people gathered together where His radical love, compassion and truth are tangibly displayed through our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • God created humanity in His Image and His desire for us was to live in perfect harmony with Him and with one another. Sin entering into this world caused a fracture in both of those relationships.

    Yet God had a plan to redeem humanity and bring us back in perfect relationship to Him. This plan involved a sacrifice: the spilling of blood to cover our sins once and for all. Therefore God sent his only Son into this world to dwell among us and give His life as a ransom.

    Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, sin and death were defeated and now we can walk in freedom.

  • In the book of Romans Paul says:

    • "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

    Paul is reminding us that salvation is a gift from God. That there isn't anything we can do to earn it, but a gift that God gives freely to those who believe in His name.

    This gift impacts our past, our present and our future in eternity. This gift tells us that we are no longer defined by our mistakes, our brokenness or our sins. Instead He sees us as holy, pure, blameless and calls us His sons and daughters.

    The invitation we have is to step into this truth and to live in a manner reflecting what is already true of us.

Our Core Beliefs


  • Since moving to Los Angeles in 2005, I've had the pleasure of serving and pastoring in Los Angeles in a variety of roles. In 2014, after my wife and I moved to Westchester, we felt a unique and distinct call to love and serve the city we were in, while simultaneously helping lead a church in Pacific Palisades. That call led us towards praying, dreaming and slowly working towards what it could look like to build a community in Westchester, Playa Vista and the surrounding communities.

    Michelle and I have been married for 10 years and she has worked as a school psychologist for LAUSD and Charter Schools the past 13 years.

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  • I grew up as a pastor's kid here in the South Bay. Over the years I have had the privilege of serving in the church in multiple areas. After I graduated high school I attended Life Pacific University in Virginia and earned an associates degree in Ministry Leadership. I then had an opportunity to serve in a residency in Chicago before pursuing full time ministry. I have been able to serve in the church as a Youth Pastor, Worship Director and Associate Pastor.

    My wife and I were recently married in April of 2023 and have the joy of expecting our first baby this coming November.

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  • Currently we are in the process of searching for a location in the Playa Vista area to host our Sunday Worship Services.

  • Our hope is to begin weekly Worship Services beginning January, 5, 2025!

  • First, please reach out to us! We'd love to connect with you. Second, you can come to one of the events listed on our website. Lastly, we need your help! Be a part of the team helping setup and organizing our events.

  • Please join us in praying for a location to hold our Worship Services. Pray for the people, finances and resources we will need to continue moving forward. Pray for the people in/around the Playa Vista area to join us and be a part of the community we believe God is building here.

  • Community Church Playa is a non-denominational independent church. We are not affiliated with any denomination or church at this time.

  • We have an independent accountant and bookkeeper who oversee our finances. We have an organization who provides insurance for us as well as outside organizations for HR and Payroll. We have a group of Pastors and church leaders who surround us with council, prayers and wisdom.